Your donation will make a positive impact on people who are living with myeloma, and their loved ones.

Every dollar you give helps to support, inform, empower, and bring hope. On behalf of the 22,000 Australians currently living with myeloma, and their loved ones, thank you for being here with us.

Myeloma Australia is Australia’s only dedicated myeloma charity. We are not government funded, so we rely on the generosity of people like you to provide our services – all of which are delivered free of charge.

Your tax-deductible gift will help to run our toll-free myeloma telephone support line; provide specialised myeloma support nurses and information and support groups; advocate for improved access to the latest treatments; and facilitate research into better treatments and, ultimately, a cure.

Give today to make a lasting impact for people living with myeloma.


Donate by phone

Call us on +61 3 9428 7444 and we will be happy to assist you to make your donation over the phone using your credit or debit card.

Donate by cheque

You can post a cheque to:
Myeloma Australia –  PO Box 5017, Burnley, VIC, 3121.

Donate via bank transfer

Account name: Myeloma Foundation of Australia Inc.

BSB: 033 034
Account number: 21 0672

Ref:  Your mobile number/email address & name

Donation help

If you require assistance in making a donation, please complete the form below and a team member will get in touch with you