Myeloma Australia is delighted to invite you to our Southern Adelaide Information and Support Group for people living with myeloma, their family and friends.
This is a great opportunity to meet and connect with other members of the myeloma community.
We welcome our old and new members to the group. Come and join us, but if you can’t get there, why not make a Cuppa and join in on Teams?
Information to attend in person:
- Please do not attend if you are unwell, have a temperature, cough or sore throat.
- Please note Myeloma Specialist Support Nurses Jo Gardiner and/or Kylie Page will attend this meeting.
Club Marion: Hills Room (East or West), 262 Sturt Rd, Marion 5043
click here for map
Topic: coffee and catchup with general myeloma discussion
Topics available on request of group
Speaker: on request
General Information:
- Light refreshments available from Energise Food Co Cafe onsite
Information to join online
You do not need to download Microsoft Teams to join us on your computer or phone. Please click “JOIN ON THE WEB” and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode.
You will then enter the lobby.
Or, you might find it easier to “Download Teams” and create a Microsoft account for free.
Join the meeting now
TEAMS Meeting ID: 476 776 330 863
TEAMS Passcode: bw68vm7N
Please familiarise yourself with our Information and Support Group Agreement which outlines the expectations of group members to ensure it is a safe and supportive space.
RSVP: Jo Gardiner, SA Myeloma Specialist Support Nurse
Ph: 03 9968 5473
SMS ONLY: 0483 955 501 (Please address SMS reply to Jo Gardiner)
Additional Information:
Download Teams | Join on the web
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