Join The Multiple Faces of Myeloma campaign
And help us improve thousands of lives!
Thousands of Australians and their loved ones are impacted by multiple myeloma, but too often our voices go unheard. Many of us don’t speak out, either because we don’t want to complain or because we don’t think our experiences need to be heard.
But to improve the lives of Australians with myeloma, we need your help to put a face and voice to myeloma in every suburb and town across Australia.
We want to share the needs, hopes and dreams of our community. This will help us advocate for more research, more support services, and more treatment options for Australians with myeloma.
The more faces and more voices we have, the more we can improve the lives of thousands of Australians with myeloma.
So, if you are living with a myeloma diagnosis – or if you are caring for someone with myeloma – join the Multiple Faces of Myeloma campaign today! Please take a few minutes to tell us your story!
Joining the Multiple Faces of Myeloma campaign is as simple as filling in the form below. If you have questions about the campaign, please refer to the FAQs below.

Comments now closed for March 2023 PBAC Meeting
Make your voice heard
It’s vital that Australians living with myeloma have their say about whether new treatments are funded through the PBS.
Less than half of those unable to have a transplant access a second-line of therapy – so having the most effective therapy funded first-line is vital.
This is your chance to tell a government advisory committee what access to new treatments means to you and your family.
Why is Myeloma Australia running this campaign?
We want to raise awareness about the impact of myeloma across Australia, and to demonstrate the need for more support for Australians with myeloma. A picture tells a thousand words, so show us your pictures and tell us why Australians with myeloma deserve more support, more clinical research, and more access to the latest treatments
What do you hope to achieve with this campaign?
Myeloma is not as well understood by the public and policymakers as other forms of cancer. We want to ensure that policymakers understand the need for more support services, clinical research, and affordable access to new treatments for Australians with myeloma.
How will my responses be used?
We will read all submissions and we will be in touch (either by email or phone) to confirm how we will use the information you have provided. Please be assured that we won’t use your submission until we have agreed with you how your story and photos will be used.
Do I have to upload a photo, or can I just tell you what I think?
You don’t have to upload a photo – you can just complete the form below – but a photo tells a thousand words, so if you’re able to share a few photos, we’d love to put a face to your story.
I’m a carer. Can I contribute or are you only looking for those living with myeloma?
We would like to demonstrate the impact of myeloma on the lives of Australians – so please encourage the person who is living with myeloma to participate. Alternatively, if you are a carer, we would love to hear from you. Please fill out the form below and note that you are a carer of someone with myeloma at the end of the form.
If you have any questions, please email
Join The Multiple Faces of Myeloma campaign
Please fill out the form below to join the Multiple Faces of Myeloma Campaign. If you are a partner or carer of someone living with myeloma, we would also like to hear from you, please indicate that you are a carer at the end of the form.
Thank you for joining the Multiple Faces of Myeloma campaign. We will be in touch in the coming weeks by email or phone once we have reviewed the responses received.