National Myeloma Month 2024 Seminars

Living Longer & Self-empowerment

March is International Myeloma Month, in Australia during the month we aim to raise awareness of myeloma and provide access to experts in the field through online seminars and local  ‘My Greatest Walk’ community events. For information about a My Greatest Walk event in your state please see our events calendar here

Seminar 1 – Living Longer

Seminar 1: Recorded on Monday 18th March

Seminar 2 – Self-empowerment

Seminar 2: Recorded on Thursday  28th March

Speakers and presentations

Chairs: Danielle Hovey & Catherine Bowley

WelcomeMark Henderson CEO
Standard Treatment, CAR T and BiTEs in the current Australian ClimateAssoc Prof Peter Mollee (QLD)
Managing Expectations of Emerging TherapiesDr Wojit Janowski (NSW)
Ambassador Message (National)
CAR T-Cell Therapy, The Australian Patient ExperienceTy Simpson (VIC)

Chairs: Laura Jones & Natasha Clarke

Myeloma Australia Community Centred ProjectsNarelle Smith (WA)
A Decade with Myeloma
Community Panel (National)
Building Support & ConnectionGather My Crew (National)
Using Diet as MedicineAssoc Prof Nicole Kiss (VIC)
Living Well Longterm - Supportive CareNella Combe & Trish Joyce (VIC)