Are you aware that Myeloma Australia receives no government funding to deliver support services and education resources to the myeloma community and healthcare professionals?

This year and every year, our supporters and partners ensure that Myeloma Australia can continue to deliver specialist nurse services across the country. In fact, one of our very generous supporters, who has utilised our services, has committed to match donations up to the value of $10,000. He said…

“Our local support nurses are so passionate and caring. They have been able to help me make sense of this very complex disease. They are all so knowledgeable on the Telephone Support Line, I never feel rushed and can ask them anything about my care. I have also made so many great connections through our local support group and other online meetings. It really helps to know other people with a similar experience. I feel compelled to do what I can to make sure these invaluable services continue to be provided across Australia.”

Myeloma Australia have 16 part-time myeloma support nurses across Australia who are an invaluable resource to our community members through the facilitation of nurse-led support services.

But did you know that Myeloma Australia currently receives no government funding for these support services?

The global pandemic has been tough for everyone, including having a major impact on Myeloma Australia’s ability to fundraise. Therefore, we ask you to get behind our annual end of financial year tax appeal. The funds raised from this appeal will enable us to continue our nurse-led services and provide an opportunity to expand further having an even greater positive impact on the myeloma community. This includes raising community awareness and understanding of myeloma; advocating for improved access to new therapies and contributing to myeloma research.

Myeloma Australia would like to thank every person who has donated this financial year. All funds are greatly valued, no matter how small, and help cover the ongoing costs of our services and resources so we can continue to provide them free of charge to our community.

Thank you for your ongoing support of Myeloma Australia.

Yours Sincerely,

Hayley Beer
Interim CEO

Brian Rosengarten