Tell a Mate about Myeloma Australia this September for Blood Cancer Awareness Month

Can you help spread the good word about Myeloma Australia by telling a mate about us?

September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month and we want to make sure all Australian’s affected by myeloma have the chance to supported, informed and empowered by our wonderful Myeloma Support Nurses.

Our current subscriber list only accounts for 15% of people living with myeloma in Australia.

You can help us change this by taking action to Tell a Mate about Myeloma Australia and subscribe to our communications.

What do Myeloma Australia do to help people living with myeloma?

Myeloma Australia exists to support, educate, inform, empower and bring hope to people who are living with myeloma, and their loved ones.

Our Myeloma Support Nurses around Australia provide up to date information and caring support through our core programs and services. All programs and services are provided free of charge to ensure equitable access for all Australians.

Together with our Medical & Scientific Advisory Group (MSAG) we also raise community awareness and understanding of myeloma; educate health professionals involved in the care and treatment of those living with myeloma; advocate for improved patient access to the latest treatments at affordable prices; and facilitate myeloma research in Australia.