Thank you for expressing an intertest and willingness to fundraise for Myeloma Australia.
To streamline the process the platform we use Just Giving.

just giving fundraising logo
  • Once you set up your own JustGiving page you can personalise it with a photo and a description of what your event is.
  •  A standard script about myeloma and Myeloma Australia is embedded in the description and this can be also added with additional information to make it specific to your activity.
  • For each event you will need to set up a new page.
  • Please use the link is
  • At the top of the page is a blue tab that says  “Fundraise for us”   then just follow the instructions to set up your page.
  • Anyone who donates receives a tax deductible receipt emailed to them.
  • If you would like a QR code generated (for posters, emails etc) we can assist you with this by emailing
  • Please note if you would like to also donate to Just Giving you can select to pay an amount. If you wish too, click other and write “0”
  • If you have any further questions please call or email Robert on 0401 043 904 or email: