Donating in memory of a loved one

Please accept our deepest condolences if you have lost a loved one to myeloma.

Donating in memory of a loved one is a powerful way to commemorate, honour and celebrate their life, whilst making a difference in their name.

When you make a donation to Myeloma Australia via this page, you have the opportunity to enter the name of the person you are commemorating. You can also share with us the name and contact details of their family member, and we will let the family know about your support. All donations of $2 and more are tax deductible, and you will receive a tax receipt.

Start an online tribute page

You may also like to consider starting an online tribute page, as a space for friends and family members to share photos, memories, messages of support and to leave donations.   The page becomes a treasured legacy for your loved one that can be accessed by friends and family for years to come. You will receive notifications when messages and donations are left, and you will have the chance to thank people and reply to their messages. To start an online tribute page, go to JustGiving to set up your page and upload stories, photos or videos; and then share the link with your family and friends, encouraging them to donate in memory and make an impact on the 18,000 Australians who are living with myeloma.

Tips on setting up a Just Giving donation page

Memorial donation envelopes for a funeral or memorial service

Many people decide to ask family and friends to donate to a cause they feel passionate about, in lieu of giving flowers for a funeral or memorial service.

Myeloma Australia can provide memorial donation envelopes to be distributed for this purpose. Family and friends can then use the envelope to send their donations directly to Myeloma Australia. Alternatively, donation envelopes can be collected by the funeral/memorial service provider or the family and then sent on to us. All donations will receive a receipt, and we will inform the family of all gifts made.

You can also direct family and friends to donate directly to Myeloma Australia via the donation form below, leaving the name of the loved one they are donating in memory of.

For support

To request donation envelopes for a funeral or memorial service, please contact or  (03) 9428 7444.

To speak to someone about your giving in memory options, please contact or (03) 9428 7444.