Leave a legacy

If you feel passionate about contributing to the fight against myeloma and the work of Myeloma Australia beyond your lifetime, you may wish to consider leaving a bequest or gift in Will to Myeloma Australia.

After providing for your family and loved ones, bequests enable you to leave a legacy and have a long-lasting impact on a cause that matters to you.

Funds received via bequests or gifts in Wills go towards supporting Myeloma Australia’s most pressing unmet needs, as we strive towards our vision of a world without myeloma. Your legacy could expand our network of specialised myeloma support nurses; increase the number and reach of myeloma information and support groups across Australia; facilitate critical research into better treatments and, ultimately, a cure for myeloma; or advocate for improved access to the latest treatments through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). You will have a lasting impact on the 20,000 Australians who are living with myeloma, and their loved ones.

Myeloma Australia is a not-for-profit organisation, endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a deductible gift recipient and has charity tax concession status. We do not receive Government funding and rely on the generosity of donors and partners to provide our services (all of which are free) to people living with myeloma, their loved ones, and their medical providers.

Leaving a gift in your Will can be done in a number of ways, and we recommend speaking with your solicitor or legal advisor before creating or changing your will. For information about how to leave a gift to a charity, this website is helpful.  We also encourage you to talk with your loved ones about your plans to leave a gift in Will, and help them to understand why Myeloma Australia’s work is important to you.

Gifts in Wills can take the form of:
  • Whole or part of your estate;
  • The residue, or remainder, of your estate after all other gifts and expenses have been distributed (also known as a residual gift);
  • A fixed amount of money (also known as a pecuniary bequest); or
  • Specific assets of value (such as shares, cars, or real estate).

The following suggested wording may be used in your Will if you wish to leave a bequest for Myeloma Australia:

“I give and bequeath:
[……] percent of my whole estate, OR
The residue of my estate, OR
[……] percent of the residue of my estate, OR
The specific sum of $[……], OR
The specific gift of [……] to the Myeloma Foundation of Australia Ltd, (trading as Myeloma Australia), ABN 30476390368, a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity, of 333 Swan Street Richmond Victoria Australia 3121, (PO Box 5017 Burnley Victoria 3121) for it to apply such bequest in accordance with its purposes. I declare that the receipt of the CEO or Treasurer of Myeloma Australia is a sufficient discharge of this bequest.”

If you are considering leaving a gift in your Will to Myeloma Australia, or if you have already done so, we would love to connect with you and thank you for your generosity. There are many opportunities for you and your loved ones to engage with the cause you are passionate about if you so desire. We are also available to discuss your giving options and provide further information about gifts in Wills. You can get in touch with Mark Henderson, CEO.

Mark Henderson
Tel: 0492 817 185
Email: mark.henderson@myeloma.org.au